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Skasley and Lillian and Gladyst their mother have all been here to night. Alice looks old + guess she has lost flesh. think she must be staying at Sharlies. She says Matty has grown old + feeble + that boy is a trial. Losing his mind more + more. she only stayed past of a day with him [[?]] woods so thats the reason I didn't see her thought it was funny. it is hard for her to get around + she is bent over + looks old. 

Stoughton March 27th 1988 

Dear Folks 
Well after a rain the day seems Marehy a cold wind prevails, grass shows green + bulbs are blossoming there are so many leaves we have raked them away to see our crocuses. but there are plenty left. 

She has gone to church they perswaided her to sing although she don't care much about doing and so. Mamie Kate is selling her things preparing to leave for Maudes when it comes warm weather. Laura bought dishes + her Victrola to the amt of $65 dollars worth. she is fixing up the hen house for Norma to invite her young folks there to dance + the Victrola will furnish the music for them. Bureta had her cellar fixed for Barbara. young folks begin young nowadays to entertain their boyfriends. 

Mrs. Barry has got home from church + brought me a lovely boquet of jonquills from the minister + a note with it to say I was remembered in their prayers. looking for another convert perhaps.               

Transcription Notes:
persuaded is spelled "perswaided" by the author Victrola refers to a record player of some sorts