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Stoughton March 25th 1935
Dear Folks,
Another nice cool but sunny day. not too cold to be outside in the sun. Lena is crazy to get the leaves all away from the backyard. I did it last year its an awful job she wont give up 'till its finished. I have poked the bonfire all I want to, so came in to make my tea and ate a slice of bread and butter + drank my tea. she will come in when her task is over + not before. the paper says rain for tomorrow, so I scooped up the ashes from our former bonfire + spread it on the flower beds. The radio says it makes the best fertilizer for lawns + flowers as it gives to the soil what you cannot get in any other way. it costs nothing and it is easy to do. I wish it was so it were possible to do as I once could but it is not my leg wont stand for it. give up and be resigned to my fat., lucky to have someone