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Stoughton Mareh 20th 1935

Dear Doris
I will begin the letter tonight so I can send it if he comes tomorrow morning. this has been a very nice day with a full moon at night. tomorrow is the first day of Spring, and the paper says colder. we heard a song sparrow to robin this morning, but not heard the frogs peeps yet, the ice is not gone yet. I presume. My flowers are coming on pretty fast. we have a very sweet smelling violet, it scents the room. even my lupin is started. just started out of the ground. Even those crysanthemum are coming up the little scotch roses lived. I think they have a healthy look. down by the little building they were well protected.
I forgot to tell you Ed Leonard came over to have  me sign my name to his paper. while he was here he spoke of Amy and told me her husband was taken sick with a disease that puzzled the Doctors. they thought it was the heart at first. she wanted her folks to come Sunday, but not bring the children so I presume they went. she is there in Newport still. I hope it is nothing serious. but from what he said, it may be more than they think it is that ails him for all he is so robust