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The radio is on its a play Mary Picksond + its hard to eonecntede my thought + follow the play also so if the letter dont make since do exeuse mistakess. the little sweater is [[?]] last it will soon be done. now the rest is clear sailing. Lena is examining it as [[?]] the letter my eyes are facing + sam apt to [[?]] stiches. my heasing is going back on me also. but other  wise fam not any worse. so should be glad to see you but it costs a lot for just a weeks stay. Lavish you might come for good. I hate these good byes. 
  Thursday morning I will continue where I left off the night before. Weoll it is cloudy + looks like rain a little fat [[?]] is out in the yard it seems like spring eve have just had our break last of coun meal mush she is one who likes cour meal while Mrs Osbore thought it hardly fit for anything but for animals such is life [[?]][[?]][[?]] against all friends of people with different ideas in our walks of life. Lena wont take anything for her serious. She is all for buying a house now up in NHampshire she wants a home of her own wshe surely has fortune enough t fill one. Elizabeth has guest written about one up these she  wanted so I think that may be her need style in life she has [[?]] almost everything pour thing. you know she does not ire a matural life no home of her own you or I would feel the same I presume glad you are having these pleasuretribes