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Stoughton March 17th 1935

Dear Doris

The day began good and remained warm + sunny then after dinner. clouds covered the blue sky and turned to rain it blew the leaves down street Lena had raked them out of the yard + we have had bon fires all the week down beside the road. So now our yard feels pretty free from rubbish. the beds show things coming right ahead pretty good. our daffodills are also coming in the back yard. we have not heard the frogs peep yet. I dare say they will before many days.
Myrtie has just called up to say she was going up to show Percy how to trim his grape vine and Alice is having a terrible time with her facial nerve. Myrtie says when she gets keyed up, nervous, it brings it on. she will have to give Hattie Packard the go by M says.
Knute is living over with Jim Capen since Mary died I hear. Ruby is teaching away from home all day it makes it good for both of them. Bert is janitor of the Drake school this year, he was without work a long time so he used to come up + help his mother + father.