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I am still working on the little sweater it is half done or more. I have not seen Mrs Osborne since she left. but guess she is busy her folks are improving she said over the telephone. Lena tries to be out of doors most of the time when she is not busy. it is growing colder towards night as the paper said it would. Our next door neighbor has had a chest cold (Mrs. Ballentine) she is a fit subject for pneumonia.
I knew that Kelley would want me to let him tune the Piano when he came. in fact it is he that has saved that piano. he offered me a price so I said go ahead. then he found the pedal felts were badly eaten. he said I will replace them for a dollar, so the clocks and piano cost me only nine dollars. but he said dont tell. I would not do them for any body else for that price. really the tuning of the piano would be more than the cost of the whole thing. I feel he was under paid. but I simply had him look it over + he hated to see the piano go to pieces. he knows it would if allowed to go on as it was. what he always said "its too good to to pieces" a fine toned piano. did I do right? so far I think I did. I think he is the only one who thourily understands the situation. I am going to get some one to cut down that old tree stump at my back door so I can fix my clothes line up to another tree in back of it.