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I have written to Mary French. we both wonder where Alice is we neither of us have heard from her all winter. she showed us a piece of her wedding dress. it is very pretty but not appropriate for one of her build. black ground with boquetts [[bouquets]] of pink + white roses. she made it herself. what a shame such is life. I hope your baby has got through the worst of her little sick spell. dont let her out too soon. I dreamed about the cat last night. hope the poor beast has got over the worst of his suffering also. he wont have as much rim now, it should have been done when he was a kitten, they get over it quicker. Mrs Osborne called me up yesterday Bessies children are better she thinks it agrees with her since she got the new job no house work + going back +forth + getting the air as she does. well we are feeling all right + hope you are enjoying your atmosphere + watching the spring signed Ma