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This afternoon is very pleasant but cool my clothes are drying on the line I now have taken them in ready to iron. my snow drops are all up & in bloom. front of the house we discovered a crocus yellow one all out. So I guess spring is coming with us too.

desert she does not eat much pastry. I had some sour milk & got rid of it by making a spider cake for supper it was on cooking as she came home from the movies. we eat in the kitchen nights & mornings. but in the dining room at noon. we both like the change. she always does things to suit me we are doing fine. she goes down town most every day it seems to agree with her. now I can send my letter this afternoon she will get my oysters for tomorrows dinner too I hope Doris is having the chicken pox light they generally do. the only thing is with all those breaking out diseases she must not get cold that is the danger. she is a good healthy child & will be over it in no time. just keep her quiet don't turn her out too soon in the cold. she will not be hungry & it is just as well. better I have not seen Mrs. Osborne yet but may by tomorrow. they may drive over Sunday it will depend on her sick folks. they have had it tough this winter. I asked Dr. Brides if Easton was a healthy place to live & he said it was damp & a great many of the houses had no cellar under them especially on the Ames estate. its much colder there than we are here. their thermometer runs lower I notice. but she always thought it the only decent place there was to live in. Stoughton is far