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Thanks for the little picture it was very much like her + the teeth. the roses made the calender very attractive + pretty. hope you are resting after her sickness. go slow + dont worry. 

Stoughton February 19th 1935 

Dear Folks. 

Well this is a sunless day its growing chilly and damp I am fated to go down to the hospital this afternoon at two O'clock for a treatment. Miss O'Brine called up yesterday afternoon to see if I wanted to come down to vote for the Dr to be one of the school committee he was going to work for the office this year as he got a good vote last year + did'nt work, I said to him there it would add to his popularity + get him acquainted. so I am anxious to hear whether he got  in or not he sent up Ellis Smith one of his football teams after me + who should be in the car but Bertha Brun who had been down to Laura's and was voting so we went in together. She told me that Laura had been said up for eight weeks. Richard Trollope stuck a piece of iron or something hard for her to fall over when she came out her door she did all right and so broke her ankle. Bertha felt sorry for she thinks Laura had suffered enough with her legs without that a pity he is allowed to live where good little children who are a great comfort to every one are taken why its never been solved. I have had a great time the Dr. was very glad to take me down to day they had it set down in their book when my birthday came and gave me a treat of ice cream and a beautiful white frosted cake. the nurse was