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Monday morn

PS Pleasant 20 [[degrees]] above a white snow over everything I am knitting on the cap. must go up stairs to cut out the panties while it is so light. a good place to work in warm and quiet.
we are going to hang out our washing on the piazza the snow is very deep it was slippery Joe got stuck in the snow turning around. he shoveled him self out. they all carry shovels in their cars up here its not safe other wise darn this snow its an old fashioned winter good luck to you & your mud. Ma

Stoughton February 17th 1935

Dear Folks.

We woke up this morning to a white world everything covered with snow. it must have rained early, then turned to snow which clung. the wind was south it is still snowing hard & looks as if we might be in for another big snow storm. it was a surprise to wake this morning to find the stuff. it means another expense to the town which we can ill aford, as the the other one cost the town over two thousand to have removed. every thing in this would seems to go upside down. nothing goes as it should. The Kidders are having it hard the little Lorena is very sick the Dr comes twice a day & calls up between times on the phone. if she still continues throwing up her food. he says she must go to the hospital. I am afraid she wont pull through. the younger one has an abscess in her ear. she had them when she was cutting her teeth. the boy is going to school. the mother is all used up from so much worry & sickness she is up nights taking care of them. so is Earle. he has a cold on his chest he cant seem to shake. they have had it hard all winter. she looks all dragged out. she throws up everything she eats. hard luck they are having and no one to help them out so God may intercede at last.