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I have been up stairs searching for some old boxes to cut up for kindlings. I can't get any from the last factory I was wishing I could get some more of those slabs. where he came from I don't know, she goes down cellar and splits up boards & boxes but it is not her part to do. I only wish it was so I could do it as I used to once. no better fun would be mine. I am sorry you have so much care & hope Doris is over her cold so you can throw off some & make up your sleep. soon it will be warm & springlike there & then roasting for the rest of the time. we are snow bound yet. it will seem so good to have the snow gone - but I suppose it keeps things from being winter killed. our jonquills will come out in all their beauty later on snow drops in the next four weeks then I can sit out on the porch & breathe the good fresh air & hear the robins sing. has the mocking bird lost his life by the old cat yet. my father fixed all his tom cats himself. he used to takes his long legged boot & put the cat in head first then did the surgical work himself. that was easy to do. I think you have been tormented enough with your beast. there are some cats that are different, lanky Tom was no mouser nor no yowler. we took solid comfort with him. he was very intelligent. cats are not all alike nor people. I hope your nighties got there safe. Alice has got another cold she has not seen Myrtie since Xmas. its been slippery & she does not dare to go out. Frank Capens folks have had a good taste of winter this year & guess they sigh for Florida. Goldthait is still alive & may live to use up his money it wont take long with two nurse's be good to your self. dont work so hard you will gain it in the end Ma