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Sat mourn It snowed in the night. therm down to 30 cloudy hope the letter is taken today I have got to get order oil Mrs O is hoarse her laranx is troubling her the last blossom is on my lobster cactus. my plants are doing in the front charm bee quantums in bloom the look very thirsty I put on the water from the bowl it agrees with them 
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             Stoughton February 8th, 1935
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Dear Folks
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Theres nothing much to write about. we got up early to find it’s cloudy + pretty soon it began spit snow. it is coming dump + may turn to rain. the seralrer has just gone by to clear the road + make it wide between the banks each side so there will be more room to turn out. the snow has not gone off but a very little. you will remember that we have had zero weather most of the time. since it came today the wind got out South so it is warmer. we notice the difference and it seems good.I sent the nightics yesterday + the letter that I wrote the day before + he did not come to take went with the bundle hope you receive it by Saturday. + that they suit as I had to guess at the pattern I am now at work on one for you but there was enough only for the skirt. the yoke + sluhres are of white trimmed collar + cuff of the original. they fade out white by washing it will be warm for another winter. I have got two I never won but a few times so don’t need another. then they dont wear them much nowadays. I think pajamas  would be much better + warmer. dont you? thats what Addie & Gertrude wear