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The NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary.

[[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]], March 24
83 DAYS past Wednesday 282 DAYS TO COME
Nice day Neal Holl. & self pulled stump 

[[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]], March 25
84 DAYS PAST Thursday 281 DAYS TO COME
Nice day cloudy day Hol & self pulled stumps Neal got 3.00

See part two, list of recommended attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities.

The NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary.

[[strikethrough]] Sunday, [[/strikethrough]], March 26
85 DAYS past Friday 280 DAYS TO COME
Rainy & snowy Neal & self went to Waldorf

[[strikethrough]] Monday, [[/strikethrough]], March 27
86 DAYS PAST Saturday 279 DAYS TO COME

Clear Hol. & self dynamited in morn fixed engine & wire in eve Neal cut wood for self pd. Hol. $7.50 Pd Neal $6.00 made $8.00

See part two, list of recommended attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities.