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The NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary. 

175 DAYS PAST [[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] Thursday, June 24 190 DAYS TO COME

cloudy Hol Neal & self stripped in morn worked on barn in eve

176 DAYS PAST [[strikethrough]] Sunday [[/strikethrough]] Friday, June 25 189 DAYS TO COME

warm Hol Neal & self worked on barn 

See part two, list of recommended attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities. 

The NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary. 

177 DAYS PAST [[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] Saturday, June 26 188 DAYS TO COME 

Hol Neal & self planted tobacco at Dr Baduis. Owe Hal 9.00 didn't pay him pd Neal $9.00 owed him $10.00 making one Dollar on bill Clear of debt

176 DAYS PAST [[strikethrough]] Tuesday [[/strikethrough]] Sunday, June 27 187 DAYS TO COME 

Nice day Aunt Lizzie [[strikethrough]] put home [[/strikethrough]] Turner going home

See part two, list of recommended attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities.