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Dear Diary,

Today Uncle Gantt & Aunt F and the boys Joe & Henry were down, all of us had a good time. Joe, Robert, Franklin, & myself played bast Ball. Aunt F brought me some beads to string. We had turky for diner. In the Evenning we had cake + wine. They left about 5:00 o'clock. "Jack O'lantern" (Jack Fross) was here and he was drunk. Joe feed up for dinner.


Dear Dairy,

Today we started to school again. The fourth Grade is in the room we to have + we are in there ". It is cool outside today. the Teacher said that we going to school every day including sat. We are going to have a play room for rainy & snow days. Joe S. came to work today.


Dear Dairy,

Today it was school again. We had songs in the evening at school. We had, Arith, English & other things. Joe S. came to work today in the evening. We have a new girl in the sixth grade, + we are very good friends already. Daddy cut wood today. Evelyn Oliver & myself are in carge of the ice cream + candy.


Dear Diary,

Today it was school again. We have a pinoa in our roon. Joe S worked in the morning. They cut wood. Mother Ironed. Today it was very cold. We walked home from the Crain Highway. Evelyn + myself sold ice cream & candy again today