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Dear Diary,

Today is was school again. Dorthy was at school today. Joe S. was here today. The men cut wood today. It was muddy outside today after the snow meted [[melted]]. We had songs in school. Holiday was shipped some place. on Jan. 4, 1943. We are sturdying about China.


Dear Diary,

Today is was school again. I had a good time at school today in, playing games, I got my mucia lessons today. Joe S. worked today. The men cut wood. Today it was very cool. We had a test today & I got 4 wrong. I am with the A grade. We (Evelyn & I) got $8.43 for ice cream and candy, cakes.


Dear. Diary

Today it was school again. The teacher (Miss Shulty) said I could play on the piano at school. Joe S. worked today. The men cut wood. Uncle Jim was here. today to help Daddy. Mother has a very bad cold, and is kind-of sick. We had home work in Spelling & Arith. It was cool, but not as cool as it was yesterday.


Dear Diary,

Today it was school again. I have a cold today. I had some more music lessons today. It was cooler, then it was yesterday. Joe S. worked today. The men cut wood. We (the sixth Grade) are going to have a luncheon tomorrow. I missed one word in spelling today was respectable. I can spell it now. We are on the stars in Science.

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