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Dear Diary
Today it was school again. Evelyn & I took $24.00 to the bank. She took 29 last week. My cold is better today. The ice cream man came today. Mother still has a cold. Today it was warm outside. We had our lunch of beans & sandwics [[sandwiches]], it was very good. Dorthy was home today. We were late for school today.


Dear Diary, 
Today we had half a day of school (1:00) Evelyn went off today & Harold Robinson comes on with me Monday. Holliday [[Cavely?]] is in Floriad now. Dorthy [[?]] to school today. My cold is not as bad today. Franklin & I brought a box apiece of flowers & vegatables home. We are going to sell them. Today it is very warm outside We walked home from highway today.

9:30 one star is out. 9:31 - more star are out. Had air raid.


Dear Diary,
Today we had duck for dinner. It was very warm today. [[strikethrough]] On [[/strikethrough]] no one was here today. Daddy came in about 4:00 and we had dinner. He did not have any supper. We heard Gene Autry today. Ginger Rogers was married yesterday to Jack Briggs.


Dear Diary
Today it was school. It was wet outside. Norse came to work today at 3:30 oclock in the eventing. Some Nen are going to come Wed. January 20, and get some oak wood. We Sold icecream & candy. Harold Robinson is on now with me.