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Dear Diary,
Today it was school. Mother gave us all 5ยข to spend in ice cream or Candy. It was windy outside today. Dorothy was here. Elizabeth Decker let me copy some of her songs. I played the piano again today and know the 3cords in C.


Dear Diary,
Today it has been 3 years since we have seen Grandmother. She died in 1940. Today it was cool. Dorthy was here today. Elizabeth was here too, but, she did not bring her songs. Harold took $25.00 to the bank today. It was cool, but not very cool outside. 


Dear Diary
Today it was school. Daddy mailed my letter to the Ralston Co. today. I got Aunt Maggie to get Radio Mirror magazines, and I got it today. It was not very cool today. Daddy bailed-hay today. We took in $5.77 in today. I go off Monday.


Dear Diary
Today it was school. Harold + I took in $3.75. It was warm outside. Dorthy was here today. I told the teacher that Elizabeth Smith kept on pulling my hair, so she moved her. Now Dorthy is back of me. Gimly O'Coner is 1 seat up from me in the next row. Elizabeth D. brought her songs today.