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January 23
Dear Diary
Today it was school. Most of the girls study until 11:30 and then they had the Girl Scout meeting. I was with it. Franklin is taking First Aid. We got out at 1:00 Mother said I could join it [[if]] I didn't have to go to 4 day camp. It was warm in the evening, cool in morning.

January 24
Dear Diary,
Today it was Sunday. We had chicken for dinner. It was warm today. Franklin, Robert Lee and myself play cops and robbers. I am going to make a purse. I am not going to be with the Girl Scouts. Mother said she would fill out my bond if I did not joins.

January 25
Dear Diary,
Today it was school. I was not on duty this week Elizabeth D. took my place. We had a new game called hoke on. It was very warm today. It was fog in the morning. Annette Tompson is going to join the R.S.S.A. The men shucked corn today. Mother got 14 eggs today.

January 26
Dear Diary,
Today we were down in the basement, we had all of our lessons down there. We are going to have new blackboards in our room tomorrow. Dorthy was here today. It was muddy outside. It is very cool tonight. The papers said that it will be 28 degrees tomorrow. Mother washed today. Joe S. did not work today, nor did Uncle Jim. Norse didī‚°