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February 3
Dear Diary
Today it was school. I walked all the way home from Chrain Highway by myself. Some men are out and are very dangerous they are from House R. M. call no 2212 It was very muddy outside. There is still some snow on the ground. Dorthy was not here today. Eliz. D. forgot my songs but she said she would bring them tomorrow

February 4
Dear Diary
Today it was school. The men who got out from House R. M. were caught last night. We had a Social Studys [Studies]] test and a reading test today. It was very muddy. Daddy took us to school and did not come back till 5:00 this evening. He was drunk. Elizabeth brought the songs today. She goes off Saturday.

February 5
Dear Diary
Today it was school. We are going to have a bingo party Sat. the 13th. the price is 10 cents I learned all of my spelling words in the second count [[??]] today we are going to have a spelling test tomorrow. Daddy came and got us today - Crain H. It is cool and very wet outside It rained about 9:00 oclock tonight.

February 6
Dear Diary
It was half a day school today. We had Art Club, Arth, and reading today. We had dinner at home today. Daddy was drunk again today. We had ice cream and cookies for destert [[dessert]] for supper time. I did not go with the Girl Scouts today. It rained. I quit the Girl Scouts.