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February 19

Dear Diary,
Today it was school. It was warm today. I took the keys back to school today. Orion + the Big Dipper were out tonight.  The six grade teacher left today at 1:00 o'clock.

February 20

Dear Diary,
Today it was school but we did not go. Franklin and Daddy [[?]] [[?]] this morning. We had breakfast at 9:33 AM It was warm today, But it is cloudy tonight. Orion + The Dipper are not out tonight. The men hauled wood. Worked half a day. 25ยข for doing the breakfast dishes. 

February 21

No one came today. We had dinner about 4:30 O'clock. Breakfast 10:00 + no supper. It was warm today. 

February 22

Washington's Birthday
Today it was school. Miss Schurlt  left at 3:00 oclock and came back about 3:20. (time to let out) It was warm today. The teacher put me on the store for the rest of the year. Orion + Big Dipper tonight.