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[[2 pages]] [[page 1]]
[[preprinted]] MEMORANDUM [[/preprinted]]

How they carry the Goods:
Ferrally Invesaga - tables

[[preprinted]] MEMORANDUM [[/preprinted]]
5 - Secret Garden
6 - West of Dgons
7 - Ecape by Night
8 - The [[?]] of the Missing Map
9 - The Door in the Mountain
10 - My Maryland
11 - A Little Mate of olf Pa.
12 [[?]] Diver 

[[page 2]]


Dear Diary,
Today it was school. I took care of the store as usuale. Edith Brown & Evelyn G. are on with me. Edith cookies Evelyn pencils, I took care of the ice cream. Big & Little Dipper & Orieon tonight


Dear Diary,
Today it was school. We had a air raid [[?]] 2:30 until 3:30. Harold Robinson came back today after leaving flue for 2 or 3 [[strikethrough]][[/strikethrough]] weeks. Made $5.00 and something,