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Dear Diary
Today it rained we did not go to school. It was very warm today after it rained. We are going to have bingo Saturday. We don't have to go to school on Saturday after this Saturday.

Dear Diary
Today it was School. We played Dodge Ball (boys againes Girls) today at school. Big + Little Dipper and Oriense tonight Daddy is still sick. It was warm today but the ground was wet. Walked to school, with Percins + Curbin

Letter from Holliday. (Daddy)
We did not go to school today. It rained alot today. Big + Little Dipper out tonight. No one came today. Mother - letter from cousin Genic; Me - letter from Norman (V Mail).

Dear Diary
Today it was very warm also as warm as the day Shorty + Earl came in but not orkite. We went to Marlboro + Meadows today. Big + Little Dipper + Orieome tonight. Aunt Maggie + Robert, Aunt Katie + Cousin Adele and the Wood man + his sister + his son this