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March 23

Big + Little Dipper. Shirley [[?]] and Russell Sasser on the store this week. School today. The Boys chased the Girls today at recess. We had a baby calf this morning. Daddy went to Mr. [[Tippets?]] + Corner. [[Arrow connecting we had a baby calf this morning to]] belonged to Mr. Wood. 

March 24

Today it was no school. It was a good day today. Mr. Muller, Ray and Aunt Katie were there today. Daddy went to the Corner. Mother got 23 eggs today. No big or little Dipper tonight

March 25

Today it was school it was a nice day today. Daddy went to look for pigs. Aunt Mirnerva was here today [evening] Robert, and I walked with here to Uncle Jims road. Big and Little Dipper tonight. Mother got 22 eggs today. 

March 26

Minerva today not yesterday Daddy looked for pig today not yesterday. Mother got 22 eggs today. Big and Little Dipper tonight. School today.