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1944 - Tuesday & School. got pictures taken at school today. Like D.V.S. very much. real cool today. Get reports tomorrow.
1945 - Thursday and school. very cold and windy out today. game between 12th and 9th grade boys. 12th won!!!!!!!!!! Ronald here.

1946 Friday & school. warm. Book about Tom Mix "Tony & His Pals". Girls lost 8 Mar. 

1947 Saturday. colder today. Mr. Freeman. 
 Daddy & boys out. Heard "Life of Riley" and etc. 

1948 Sunday. Daddy & Robert out all day long. cold out. Mother still sick. washed hair.


1944 Wed. - school. Like D.V.S. more every day. cool out today. Got reports today one A and five B's Went to Gym today. Science.

1945 Friday and school nice out except it is windy. Tommy absent also Donald. 

1946 - Saturday. Robert to Dr Badens. windy & cool out. cleaned up my room. Baked some cookies. Daddy & boys out. Got books (Wheaties)

1947 Sunday. colder out. Daddy sick. Heard usual radio programs. Miss not seeing Ronnie.

1948 Monday & school. Spanish test. Library Club meeting 6th period. Homeroom clubs 2nd period. Billy & Louise - Miss Aggie