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1944. Thursday and school. Mother got after me for liking D.VS. But I still like him. cold outside today.

1945. Saturday nice out today. kind of windy in afternoon. Harry Holder, Sandy, & Miss. Freeman here today. Daddy & boys out. 

1946 Sunday. cold out. Daddy & boys out. Heard One Man's Family - 'Irene' died last week so did Gregory Just.

1947 Monday & school. cold out. Library club meeting 7th period. Mr. Reeder here is going to sell his car

1948 Tuesday & school. Spanish test. worked in Library 6th period. 


1944. Friday and school. Had fashion show and student council meeting. Still like D.VS. but not as much. Had music today.

1945. Sunday. Robert & Mae to spend the day. very windy & cold outside Mr. Dick about lunch time didn't stay.

1946 Monday & school. cold out, Had Home Ec. test. Edith is in the hosipible [[hospital?]]. (Brichard)

1947 Tuesday & school. snowed. Daddy operated on. Algebra test. Miss Volz asbent. Game with Jackie. Mr. Reeder refereed. Dr. Bowers got us about 2:45 p.m.

1947 Wednesday. snowed & rained. Mrs. Allison absent. cold. Heard "American Melody House"!

Transcription Notes:
Not sure that the sentence stating "Edith Bricherd in the hospital" is correct. Hospital looks to be spelled "hosipible".