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February 9
1944 - Wednesday and school. Mrs. Howard was not here today, she was sick. D.VS took charge. Got our pictures today.

1945 - Friday and school pictures taken in Home Ec. cool outside today. Got 3 new horses (traded)

1946 Saturday. Uncle Garrett & Joe for the day. muddy out. Daddy & boys out.

1947 Sunday. cold out. Daddy & boys to Dr. Bowers. Had dinner at 3:30 p.m. No supper. Heard usual radio programs.

1948 Monday & school. Read aloud in Spanish. History test. Home room. clubs. very cold & windy.

February 10
1944 - Thursday and school. Mrs. Howard was here today. Got my leg all scratched up today. D.VS was here today.

1945 - Saturday. feels like Spring today nice & warm out. Daddy & boys out.

1946 Sunday. snowed. Preacher, Woodrow Townsend & Helen Early. cold. Heard Walter Winchell.

1947 Monday & school. cold. Got report cards (1-A, 3-B's, 1-C). Library Club meeting 7th period. Mr. Reeder here. Heard Voice of Firestone with T.L. Thomas

1948 Tue. & school Movie Committee met 1st period. Talked with Mr. Reeder today. Movie part of 5th - 6th - & 7th period. "Frankenstein and the Wolf Man" - not to bad.