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1944 - Sunday - very cool outside today. Mother got 1 egg today. She made a cake this afternoon. Tea is missing.

1945 - Tuesday and school. rain S. Studies test. Tommy here. Miz.[[?]] Waldman here today.

1946. With Mrs. Brown & children to Ice Capades. Stayed overnight. Albert Tolbart went too. cool. Ice Capades were lovely ex. sailors

1947 Thursday & school. Biology & Jr. Bus. test. warmer out. Glee Club 7th period. Mr. Reeder here like him a lot.

1948 Fri. & school. filled out evaluation sheets in Spanish, History & English. Movie =  Physics. Library 5th Student Forum 7th period. 


1944 - Monday and school. It rained in the afternoon. Lol-kins (cat) died today. Lea (cat) has been missing for a week guess she is dead to. 4 eggs.

1945 - Wednesday and school. warm. game Marboro & G.B. girls G.P. won 7A & 8A girls at lunch time 8 AM

1946 - Thursday & school. warm. (60 degrees F) English test. Music lesson. 1st period. Daddy, boys & me to Marlboro

1947 Friday & school. Miss Valz & Shackhart not here. Assembly 5-6-7 periods. W. History Test (Italy) made an A+ on it. Mr. Reeder here. worked in Library 4th

1948 Saturday. cold out. Daddy & boys to Waldorf in afternoon. Heard U.S. Navy Band & etc.