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1944 - Tuesday and school, had my music lesson today. D.VS wasn't here today. Men found Lea dead in the stable. Got new books in the Library. 

1945 Thursday and school. Clubs 2nd period. warm today.

1946 Friday and school. very cold out. windy today. To Aunt Maggies. Zona Eachard & Jerry Peacach were King & Queen.

1947 Saturday. colder. washed clothes. Daddy & boys out. Heard "Life of Riley","Roy Rogers" and etc.

1948 Sunday. Daddy & boys out in morning. warmer out. Heard "Greatest Story Ever Told" and etc.

1944 - Thursday and school. Had Reading Test 1st period. McLaren South (sailors) 2nd period. Boots (cat) died tonight about 7:00 p.m. D.VS wasn't here today.

1945 Friday and school movie Military Academy, Ice Skating. warm. Aunt Grace, Milton & Bowine here today.

1946 Saturday. cool out. Daddy and boys out. worked on my scrapbook. washed my hair.

1947 Sunday. colder. Daddy & boys out. Radio went bad. practiced music lessons.

1948 Monday & school. Done report in Physics class. Typed 4-5-6th periods. Homeroom clubs 7th period. Heard "Voice of Firestone"