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1944 - Monday and school. Had rehersal play 4+5th periods. D.VS. was here today. warm out in evenning.

1945 Wednesday and school. rain. saw Aggie today. Music today Mrs Brown played "Blue Danube" [[fore?]] me.

1946 Thursday + school. coal out. Took Music lesson. Played Clinton girls won boys lost.

1947 Friday + no school because of the snow. snowed some today. Boys out (Brandywine) in wagon.

1948 Saturday. cold out. Daddy + boys to Waldorfs etc in afternoon. Heard "Your Hit Parade"


1944 - Tuesday and school. Had a play in morning of George Washington 5 and 6 periods. D.VS. was here today.

1945 Thursday and school. Went to Girl Scouts 3rd period. rain. to Aunt Maggies today.

1946 Friday + no school. worked on scrapbooks. listen to radio. warm out. no mail today. Daddy haulded logs today.

1947 Saturday. cold + windy out. no one went out because of the snow. Heard Matchless Service Time & Top Talent.

1948 Sunday. snowed. no one out today. Heard usual radio programs.