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1944 - Laundry. very warm out. Uncle Gantt and Aunt Florence in evening. Daddy & Franklin to Brent Early's and corner. Robert, Franklin & me to Sunday School.
1945 - Tuesday and school. cool. 7th & 8th grade girls played baseball today. 8th won. I played.

1946 Wednesday and school. very warm out 63°F. Had music 4th period. (M. S. E.)

1947 Thursday & school. Glee Club 7th period. Mr. Reeder here like him a lot. cold. Aggie. New music teacher is nice and knows what he is doing.

1948 Friday. In Library 5th period. Took History & Spelling tests today. Got A on both of them. warmer out

1944 - Monday and school. warm out today. Cousin Genie came up today to stay with us a while. Brought me some new dresses.

1945 - Wednesday and school. Cool. Cooked cookies ect Home Ec.

1946 - Thursday & school. Clubs 5 & 6th period today. Had Art 6th period. cool out.

1947 Friday & school. Algebra tests. [[NW?]]. History today 8B Play 5th period Pep Rally 7th. Mr. Reeder here. D. Jayman told him I liked him a lot. cold. missed bus.

1948 Saturday. washed clothes. very warm out (78ºF). Daddy & boys out in afternoon.