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March 4 
1944 - Saturday. real cold out. rained all day. Daddy to Maggies, Corner & Harry Halders. Cousin Genie still at Maggies. 6 eggs today.

1945- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bailie. Daddy and boys to corner.

[[Left Margin Sideways]]  Helen & Earl were to leave for Mo. don't know if they did.[[/left margin]]

1946- Monday & school. Henry Robinson Library meeting 4th period. Eddie Gibbons died yesterday. Grace, Milton, Bourne & Ed over. very warm 77°F. Bailed hay.

1947- Tuesday & school. Miss Brockenbaugh not here. Gave report on myths - English. Mr. Reeder still mad with me.

1948- Thursday & school. Spanish test. Mrs. Allison asbent [[absent]]. Music part of 5 and 6th periods. Glee club 7th period. much colder out.

March 5
1944- Sunday. Didn't go to sunday school today. Snow outside today. Cousin Genie still at Maggies.

1945- Monday and school. rainy kind of.

1946- Tuesday & school. Library club meeting 4th period Bingo & Dancing 6th period. very warm 77°F. Cousin Eddie Gibbons was burried today.

1947- Wednesday and school. Installed the N.H.S. today - Movie - Mr. Reeder here is not mad with me anymore. cold.

1948 Friday & school. Mrs. Allison here. Spelling test 6th period. In Library 5th period. Student Forum 7th period. very cold out