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1944 - Friday and school. game Volley Ball between 7A & 7B girls. 7B won (and [[??]] I glad!!) nice out today. Daddy + boys to Brent [[??]], Maggies & H.H.

1945 - Saturday. Daddy + hay to Brandywine, corner & Katies.

1945 - Sunday. Mae & Robert, Daddy & boys out. warm + nice outside. Last night we won the tournamentship from Md. Park.

1947 Monday & school. warmer out. Algebra test. Heard "Voice of Firestone". Mr. Herwick said Mr. Kerful will give me Music lesson Wed. 2nd period. 

1948 Wed. & school. Movie "Pot of Gold" with Jimmy Steward 2 & 3rd periods. Game with [[Dumaskoo?]] 6-7 periods we won 22-21. warm out. 


1944 - Saturday. warm outside today. Daddy & boys to Meadows. Daddy to Maggie's, corner, and H.H, boys & [[??]] played "Basketball" today. 

1945 - Sunday. Daddy & boys to Rabbits, corner, and Kites

1946  Monday & school. Cold. Nancy Williams birthday. Mrs. Dyson not here. Had Miss Wathen for Math. 

1947 Tuesday & school. English test. warmer out today, Mr. Reeder here like him a lot. 

1948 Thursday & school. Senior play "Meet my Wives" 1-2-3 periods. Left for concert & U. of Md. at 1 pm. got back at 6:30 pm. Howard Mitchell conducted the orchester Was very good.