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1944 - Wednesday and school. Mrs. Howard gave me the devil today. cool out today. Uncle Len still sick. rain all day.

1945 Thursday and school. Movie first 2 periods "Wide Open Spaces" starring Joe E. Brown. windy and cold. Preacher.

1946 Friday and school. warm. Robert Lee and Franklin stayed home. 9th boys over 8th boys. What a game!!!! Aunt Minerva

1947 Saturday cold & windy out. Daddy & boys out in afternoon. Heard usual radio programs. still sick.

1948 Monday & school. Mrs Connick asbent [[absent]]. Had to give poem in English Class. Homeroom clubs 7th period.


1944 - Thursday and school. Didn't have any reports today. Betty's table is giving the reports. Preacher there today.

1945 - Friday and school. warm Daddy killed 2 hogs and sold them. Daddy & boys out.

1946 Saturday. Daddy & boys out. nice one but a little cold then yesterday.

1947 Sunday. cold. Robert went out for paper. Heard usual radio programs. feel better today.

1948 Tuesday & school. Spanish test gave book reports in History & English class. Inter-class game 6-7th period. rained. cold out.