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        MARCH 26
1944 - Sunday,Daddy, Loiza[[?]] & me to Church. Daddy to corner all day after church no one came today
1945 - Monday and school. Started plowing. Daddy out.

1946 - Tuesday & school. Rained. Had art today. 11 girls over 10

1947 - Wednesday & school. Algebra test. Movie 'South of Karalar' 5-6-7 periods. To Waldorf. Mr.Reeder at school. Cold & windy out.
1948 - Lord[[?]] Friday, fifed [[?]] read all day. rained at night. cooler out.

        MARCH 27
1944 - Monday and school. Evelyn G came back to school today. Get pictures taken Wed. Warm & little cool out today.
1945 - Tuesday and school. Daddy to Waldorf. Aunt Aggie

1946 - Wednesday & school. Warm out today. Had Home Ec. today

1947 - Thursday & school. English test. Glee club 7th. Mr.Reeder here. Cold snowy rain. Miss. Brockenbangh[[?]] sick. Worked. Library [[?]] th period.
1948 - Saturday, Daddy to doctors in morning. To Bendict in afternoon. Windy, cold, rainy.