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1944- Tuesday and school. Took music lesson today. Cool out. picture taken tomorrow. Evelyn G. here again today. 

1945- Wednesday school until 1 p.m. Uncle Gantt, Aunt Florence & Henry to spend day. hot. plowed land.

1946 Thursday and school. Boys stayed home. warm (70 degrees F) Mr. Darneil at night. 

1947 Friday & school. In Library 3rd & 4th periods. cold out. Mr. Reeder at school. 11th grade over 12th grade (boys)

1948 Easter. all to church. Mr O'Neil, Henry [[Bahenim??]] + Earley Montgomery in afternoon. Henry drunk. 


1944- Wednesday. got our picture taken at school rained all day. Daddy to Maggies. 

1945 Thursday. Daddy, boys & me to Corner & Wash. D.C. saw Aunt Florence. Franklin to Lucy's. Robert & me to Kites & Corner. got trees

1946 Friday & school. Ida Mae's birthday Miss Amil left the school for good. Gasb. How I am going to miss her. warm. rain. Grace & family.

1947 Saturday. Robert Lee & me to Waldorf to see picture "Song of the South" wonderful. Daddy & Franklin to Burdick. got home 6:30pm. cold. windy. Saw Maggie, Helen & Earl

1948 Monday. Billy & Louise brought Aunt Minerva down for a few days visit. cold & windy.