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1944 - Thursday and school. Daddy to Waldorf. muddy outside. Got 20 eggs today.

1945 - Friday. Daddy & Robert to Kites, Misters & corner. Mother & I cleaned up years. planted trees. Down in Sam's woods.

1946 Saturday. Daddy & boys out. Carrots very sick. rained, windy. I feel terrible in my stomach.

1947 Sunday. To church & corner. Cold & windy out. Heard usual radio programs. Daddy, mother & boys to corner in afternoon. Mr. Meyers at church.

1948 Tuesday. Aunt Minerva & Mother over to Aunt Minerva's Place in afternoon. very sick. Baled hay over on other place.


1944 - Friday and school Monday we start to school 9:00 A.M. & get out 3:15. Hoda dance today last 2 periods.

1945 - Saturday. plowed land. Daddy & Robert Lee out.

1946 Sunday. Daddy & boys out. cool out. Annette Thompson's birthday today.

1947 Monday & school. games 1:15 on. (7A over 7B, 8A over 8B, 11 over 12). Mr Reeder at school. He is wonderful. cool out.

1948 Wed. & school. Miss Barth absent. Typing test - 41 words per min 2 errors. Games fro 2 P.M. to 3:30 PM. cool.