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1944 Friday. Gilbert Townshend will be buried Sunday. warm out today. Got 2 turkey eggs but one wasn't any good.
1945 - Saturday. Cold. Daddy & boys to Marlboro. Gorden Baker got pigs.
1946 - Sunday. warm. Daddy & boys to Washington Close. Daddy to corner. Emily, Rex, Nomey, Kenny in evening leaving for Hawaii Wednesday.
1947 - Monday. colder out. [[illegible]] man. Heard usual radio programs.
1948 - Wed. & school. Went up to school tonight to see "Cheers for Miss Bishop" got home around 11PM.


1944 - Saturday. very warm today. Daddy & boys fishing in evening. Got to bed about 11:00 p.m. (Kind of late!) Got 10 eggs today. 2 turkey eggs.
1945 - Sunday. Bivens for corn Clear and warmer.
1946 - Monday & school. Franklin stayed home till 1 p.m. rained. Read Romeo in Lit. class.
1947 Tuesday. colder out. Mother and I over to Aunt Minerva's in afternoon. Daddy still sick. Heard usual radio programs.
1948 - Thursday & school. Glee Club 7th period. Mr Williams brought us home today