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1944 - Sunday - to Sunday School (Woodrow is my teacher now) rain. Aunt Lucy & Uncle Charlie down (day) to celbrate [[celebrate]] Robert Lee's Birthday.
1945 - Monday and school. cool and windy. clear. Daddy & boy outs meet up with Sandy.
1946 Tuesday. Daddy & boys to Waldorf and ect. rain in afternoon. Started read "Jane Withers & the Hidden Room". 
1947 Wednesday & school. Music lesson 2nd period. Glee Club practice 4th period. 9A girls over 9B basketball. Reeder here. cold out still. (M___)


1944 - Monday and school. Mrs Howard got sick and went home at 12:00. Miss Mudd absent. Nelson's busload got out at 2:10. very heavy rains today. Freddie & [[illegible]]
1945 Tuesday & school game between Oxan Hill our girls won boys lost
1946 Wednesday and school. rained. Robert Lee's birthday. Miss Voltz & Mr. Wheelock absent. 7th boys over 8 in Baseball. Harold on team.
1947 Thursday. Biology quiz. Baseball game between teachers & school team at 2pm. Teachers won. Mr. Reeder play on team, very good. warmer