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1944- Thursday and half-day school. Mrs. Howard here today Marg. Richard came back yesterday rain all day. movie on Brazil.

Friday & school. saw movie on Africa Daddy to tobacco market
cold and windy
got G.S. membership card

1946 Saturday. cold. Daddy & boys out. Got L.H.J. Heard Phil. Arch. for last time going off radio.

1942 Sunday. Grace, Milton, Bourne & Willie Ann all day. windy & cool out. Grace very sick.



1944 -Friday and school. warm out today. Freddie & John here today. Daddy drunk. Love Freddie and John  more every day.

1945 Saturday. H.H. Daddy & boys out. cold temp in 50 & about 60 degrees F. 

1946- Sunday. To J. Watson's in afternoon. Heard Walter Winchel [[Winchell]] & etc. Daddy, Mother, Boys & me to corner. cold out.

1947 Monday & school. cold out. 8B girls over 8A (17-6) in basketball. Library chat 7th period. Mr. Reeder here. Heard usual radio programs


Transcription Notes:
"Daddy & boys" as in previous letters. Not "Hugo"