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1944- Saturday, very warm out today. fixed some of my scrapbook today. Cook here in morning to see about wood.

1945 Sunday. Robert & Mae to Aunt Minerva. Daddy & Franklin to corner. Robert, Mae Helen Cousin Genie Nancy Kenny  Navay gave me her G.S. uniform

1946 Monday & school. cool out. Harold here today. Got letter back from Henry.

1947 Tuesday & school. Algebra test. cool. Home room clubs. Mr. Reeder at school. Heard usual radio programs & Boston "Pop" Orch.


1944 - Sunday to Sunday School. very hot today. Franklin & me to Wash. Cathedral today. Woodrow went to. (so did his wife.) law Etta W.

1945 Monday and School. Last day of clothing drive

1946 Tuesday. cool and clear. Library club meeting 4 period. Package from Sears Roebuck. Letter for N.I.A.

1947 Wednesday & school. Movie 2nd period. Jr. Business test. Mrs. Schaffer back from California. Mr. Reeder at school. hot out.