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May 5

1944 - Friday and school. Freddie sick, John here. hot out today. Don't feel very good. Daddy plowed the land.

1945 - Saturday. I went to Dr. Badens today. Heard Calling All Girls & etc.

1946 - Sunday. Daddy & bays out. Aunt Katie. sick as all get-out.

1947 - Monday & school. rained. Algebra test. Mrs. Dickenson absent also Mrs. Connick. Library Club Meeting 7th period. Mr. Reeder at school heard usual radio programs. We won [[???]].

May 6

1944 - Saturday. Windy today. rain in evening. Daddy plowed land today. got 2 eggs today. found [[???]] nest.

1945 - Sunday Aunt Florence Uncle Gut Howard Perrie Maggie Emily & children. nice day.

1946 - Monday & school. warm out today. Howard here.

1947 - Thursday & school. [[???]] test & game with Marlboro 5-7th period we won 9-2. Mr. Reeder at school. Mother & daddy to Dick Robertson's funeral.