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May 7

1944 - Sunday. Daddy, boys & me to church (& Sunday School). Cool out today. Freddie & John at church. no one here today.

1945 - Monday and school. A Press said that the war had ended in Europe but Truman didn't say so.

1946 - Tuesday & school till 1 p.m. Library Club meeting. Gave Miss Mudd a pen. Had spelling test in Mss Guards room.

1947 - New music teacher. Wednesday & school. Movie "Tundra" 1st & 2nd period. worked in library 4 period. cold out. daddy drunk. Mr. Reeder at school I believe he likes me a little.

May 8

1944 - Monday. cold out today. Freddie at school. started taking gym today. blackout tonight.

1945 - Tuesday & school. VE Day at last. Truman, Churchill, Stalin spoke at 9 AM. G.S. meeting. nice day.

1946 - Wednesday & school. windy out. Practiced plays during science period. put new, butter [[???]] radio.

1947 - Thursday and school. Miss [[???]] New music teacher. name is Mrs. Allison. Mr. [[???]]  will still teacher me piano. Reeder here.