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MAY 17

1944 - Wednesday and school.  Hot today.  Donald absent.  Brant Early at info in evening.

1945 - Thursday and school.  rained hard.  Daddy to Waldorf.  started studying Africa.

1946 Friday & school.  Movie in afternoon "Jack London" very good.  7th boys over 8th 6-2.  Harold here.

1947 Saturday- rained.  washed hair  Daddy & boys out.


MAY 18

1944 - Thursday and school.  Hot today.  Donald likes Ida Mae Richard very much and not me !!!!  Movie 3rd period  no math.  got our pictures.

1945 - Friday & school.  Movie - April Romance.  rainy.  to check, Clinton, Kites, saw Albert, the mightoria man.

1946 Saturday.  Rained real hard in afternoon.  Daddy & boys out.

1947 Sunday.  Daddy & boys out.  hot.  rained off & on all day.  I don't feel as good heard usual radio programs.