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MAY 23
1944 - Tuesday. afternoon classes. [[?]] at 12:30 for rest of day. good time!!! warm today. rain in evening.

1945 Wednesday & school. Test on Eastern Hem in S.S. game 5 & 6 period Year book came. Got picture from Dick Mansfield.

1946 Thursday & school. warm. gave report of Diego Rivera in Art class today.

1947 Friday & school. History test. Play (7B's) 7th period. warm out. Mr. Reeder here like him a lot. Heard usual radio programs.


MAY 24
1944 - Wednesday and school. warm out today. Love Donald Van Sickler - June!!!!! Franklin Loves Mary Carlyn Davis.

1945 Thursday and school. planted garden. got up tobacco hills.

1946 Friday & school. Franklin stayed home. Bought some things from Miss. Canter. 8B boys over 8A. Science test

1947 Saturday. cool. Daddy drunk. Mr. Clark. heard usual radio programs. to bed 12:30 AM.