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MAY 27
1944- Saturday. hot today, Daddy & boys to Marbolo. Daddy drunk. 

1945- Sunday, Daddy & boys out. warm.

1946- Monday & school. Clubs 3rd period. rained. Aunt Katie & baby in afternoon.

1947- Tuesday & school. game with Marlboro 5-6 period. home-room clubs 7th period. 


MAY 28
1944 - Sunday. Daddy, boys & me to church. Daddy to corner. Mr. [[Tomslad?]] absent. Mr. Sasscer our teacher in Sunday School.

1945 Monday & school. clubs 5th period. Library club party 5th period. warm.

1946 Tuesday & school. Boys stayed home. Library club meeting today. Game with Surrater. They won.

1947 Wednesday & school. hot. Algebra & History tests. Glee Club 2nd period. movie on "News travels the World" 7th period.