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MAY 29
1944 - Monday & school. 9B girls played 8B girls. (7B won) 7B boys and 8B boys (7B won). Love Donald Vanlicklen. hot today.

1945 Tuesday & school. went on a hike (4 mi.) during gym class. down dirt road my state road. 

1946 Wednesday & school. Math test. 8B over 8A (Boys) Library & Student Council party 5-6 periods game time. Harold [[illegible]]. Our team won.

1947 Thursday & school. History test. hot. Gantt & Florence sick. got Mrs. Levi to cut my hair for me. Mr. Reeder here. rained.


MAY 30
1944 - Tuesday and school. Hot today. Assembly 5th period. Patriot game school U.S. Flag & Md. [[?]] Dance 6th period.


1946 Thursday & school. Music Lesson 1st period. Look part of Home Ec test at [[illegible]] Civic. warm. Boys 8 school.

1947 Friday & no school. cold out. washed hair. sick. heard usual radio programs.