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MAY 31
1944 - Wednesday and school. very hot today. Club (library) 6th period. Miss. Mudd treated us to ice cream & cakes.


1946 Friday & school. Field Day all day long. 7B boys over 11 girls in baseball. Senior boys over junior.

1947 Saturday. cold out. Mr. Beavers Heard usual radio programs &etc. still very sick. Daddy & boys out until 9:15 pm.


1944 - Thursday and school. [[choose?]] [[?]] 1st period. 11th grade boys played 12th grade boys te score very hot today. Little bit of rain about 9pm.


1946 Saturday, Daddy & boys out. warm & sunny out. ironed clothes today.

1947. Sunday. Grace, Milton, Bourne [[?]] Ann and Ed Bailey for day. feel better today. Stayed up until 11:30 pm.