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June 6
1944 - Tuesday and school. Invaison [[invasion]] started today. Last club meeting held today. Storm today.

1945 - Wed. & last day of School. To Mrs. Morlias for G.S. party, from 12 to 3 p.m. had good time. warm. Sorry about school.

1946 Thursday & school. Music lesson. 9 to 8 10 boys tie game 6-6. Had art today.

1947 Friday & school. Glee Club 1st period Assembly 2nd period. Library 3-4 periods. got Yearbooks. rainstorm at night. Mr. Reeder at school.


1944 - Wednesday and school. cool out today. Have Ga. test tomorrow. Have movie tomorrow called "This Amazing America."

1945 - Thur. to graduation. "Mae" Tommy, Chester, & Ginny grads. warm. saw Ray & Mrs. Smoot, Sisses & Bucky. Aunt Maggie B.

1946 Friday & school. 10 boys over ninth. made a cake in Home Ec. planted corn.

1947 Saturday. hot. Daddy & boys out planted tobacco. rained (9:00 pm). washed hair.