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June 12
1944-Monday + school. hot today. Math test. Graduation song all afternoon. Love Donald Ulm [[?]] S veilders [[?]]

1945 Tuesday. stripped + planted tobacco. Mother worked today. Heard Ted Molone at 12:15 pm. very bat-Emily, Maggie & Chic [[?]]

1946 Wednesday + school. assembly-graduation 2 p.m. 7th boys over 8/0 girls. (9-1) hot. got Home Ec. book back buried Carrots today.

1947 Thursday school until 12 pm. glee club 1-2 8 
All 10th grade to Connie Bennetts house for a picnic. had good time. hot (93 degrees F). Ronnie at school. 

June 13
1944 - Tuesday + school. Didn't do anothing today. Hot. Love Donald Uan [[?]] Sickler more. Last day of school until Sept.  [[?]] [[?]] [[?]]

1945 Wednesday. stripped + planted tobacco. ironed today. rained in the afternoon about 5:15 p.m. to night (off & on)

1946 Thursday & school until 1 p.m. party in Mrs Browns room. me (Tim Connor Russel) Lasser Florence H. + me) won Scarvanger Hunt.

1947 Friday + school. History test on democracy. Glee Club 5-6th period. Library 4th + part of 7th. rained. cloudy.